HomeRadiologyVol. 142, No. 1 PreviousNext Real-time evaluation of pleural lesions: new observations regarding the probability of obtaining free fluid.W M Marks, R A Filly, P W CallenW M Marks, R A Filly, P W CallenW M MarksR A FillyP W CallenPublished Online:Jan 1 1982https://doi.org/10.1148/radiology.142.1.7053526MoreSectionsPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesCiteTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints ShareShare onFacebookXLinked In Article HistoryPublished in print: 1982 FiguresReferencesRelatedDetailsCited ByPleural Effusions in Lung Cancer: Detection and TreatmentMilicMedenica, MirasMedenica, DaniloCosovic31 October 2018ROLE OF LATERAL DECUBITUS CHEST RADIOGRAPH IN DETECTING MILD PLEURAL EFFUSION AND ITS CORRELATION WITH THORACIC USGAsit ChandraRoy, NarayanPandit, DibyenduSarkar3 October 2018 | Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare, Vol. 5, No. 41The efficacy of bedside chest ultrasound: from accuracy to outcomesMarkHew, Tunn RenTay31 August 2016 | European Respiratory Review, Vol. 25, No. 141Discrimination between pleural thickening and minimal pleural effusion using color Doppler chest ultrasonographyAli A.Hasan, Hoda A.Makhlouf, Alaa R.M.Mohamed2013Jul1 | Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis, Vol. 62, No. 3The Evaluation and Clinical Application of Pleural PhysiologyJasonAkulian, LonnyYarmus, DavidFeller-Kopman2013Mar1 | Clinics in Chest Medicine, Vol. 34, No. 1Pleural and Pleural SpaceJoel ZabaletaArroyo, John C. 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