Anterior temporal lobes and hippocampal formations: normative volumetric measurements from MR images in young adults.
Volumes of the right and left anterior temporal lobes and hippocampal formations were measured from magnetic resonance images in 52 healthy volunteers, aged 20-40 years. Subjects were selected by age, sex, and handedness to evaluate possible effect of these variables. Data were normalized for variation in total intracranial volume between individuals. Right-left asymmetry in the volumes of the anterior temporal lobes and hippocampal formations was a normal finding. The anterior temporal lobe of the non-dominant (right) hemisphere was larger than the left by a small (mean right-left difference, 2.3 cm3) but statistically significant amount (P less than .005) in right-handed subjects. No significant effect of age or sex was seen in normalized right or left anterior temporal lobe volume. The right hippocampal formation was larger than the left for all subjects by a small (mean right-left difference, 0.3 cm3) but statistically significant amount (P less than .001). No effect of age, sex, or handedness was seen in normalized hippocampal formation volumes.