Addressing Needs of Women Radiologists: Opportunities for Practice Leaders to Facilitate Change
This article outlines the key steps that practice leaders can take to address the needs of women in radiology.
Women are, and have always been, underrepresented in radiology. This gender disparity must be addressed. Women bring a different perspective to the workplace; and their collaborative, empathetic, and compassionate approach to patient care and education is an asset that the radiology community should embrace and leverage. Radiologic organizations should focus on removing barriers to the entry of women physicians into radiology as a specialty and to their career advancement. Organizations should address bias, promote physician well-being, and cultivate a safe and positive work environment. Radiology leaders committed to increasing gender diversity and fostering an inclusive workplace have the opportunity to strengthen their organizations. This article outlines the key steps that practice leaders can take to address the needs of women in radiology: (a) marketing radiology to talented women medical students, (b) addressing recruitment and bias, (c) understanding and accommodating the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 and the Fair Labor Standards Act for both trainees and radiologists in practice, (d) preventing burnout and promoting well-being, (e) offering flexible work opportunities, (f) providing mentorship and career advancement opportunities, and (g) ensuring equity.
©RSNA, 2018
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Article History
Received: Feb 17 2018Revision requested: Mar 27 2018
Revision received: Apr 23 2018
Accepted: Apr 30 2018
Published online: Oct 10 2018
Published in print: Oct 2018