Imaging of Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer of the Superior Sulcus

Part 2: Initial Staging and Assessment of Resectability and Therapeutic Response1
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Imaging plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and staging of superior sulcus tumors, assessment of their resectability, determination of the optimal approach to disease management, and evaluation of the response to therapy. Computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, and positron emission tomography (PET)/CT contribute important and complementary information. Whereas CT is optimal for depicting bone erosion and for staging of intrathoracic disease, MR imaging is superior for evaluating tumor extension to the intervertebral neural foramina, the spinal cord, and the brachial plexus, primarily because of the higher contrast resolution and multiplanar capability available with MR imaging technology. Use of PET/CT enables the detection of unsuspected nodal and distant metastases. However, imaging has only limited usefulness for evaluating the response of a tumor to induction therapy and detecting local recurrence, and surgical biopsy often is necessary to verify the results of therapy.

© RSNA, 2008


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Article History

Published in print: Mar 2008