MR Imaging of Prostate Cancer in Radiation Oncology: What Radiologists Need to Know

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An overview of radiation therapy techniques for prostate cancer is presented, and the roles and limitations of multiparametric MR imaging in treatment planning for radiation therapy of prostate cancer are discussed.

Radiation therapy (RT) is one of the principal treatment modalities for localized or locally advanced prostate cancer. The two major forms of RT for prostate cancer are external-beam RT (EBRT) with a photon or proton beam and brachytherapy. With modern conformal techniques for EBRT (three-dimensional conformal RT, intensity-modulated RT, and image-guided RT) and advanced computer-based planning systems for brachytherapy, the dose can be more precisely delivered to the prostate while reducing unnecessary radiation to normal tissue. The dominant intraprostatic tumor can be targeted with a higher dose, so-called dose painting. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging plays a pivotal role in pretreatment assessment of prostate cancer. Multiparametric MR imaging, a combination of anatomic and functional MR imaging techniques (diffusion-weighted imaging, dynamic contrast material–enhanced imaging, and MR spectroscopy), significantly improves the accuracy of tumor localization and local staging. For pretreatment planning, anatomic MR imaging provides highly accurate local staging information, particularly about extraprostatic extension and seminal vesicle invasion. The dominant intraprostatic tumor and local recurrence in the prostatectomy bed can be better localized with multiparametric MR imaging for dose painting. MR imaging allows excellent delineation of the contours of the prostate and surrounding structures. It can also be used in early posttreatment evaluation after brachytherapy.


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Article History

Received: Mar 22 2012
Revision requested: Apr 18 2013
Revision received: Jan 14 2013
Accepted: Jan 15 2013
Published online: May 3 2013
Published in print: May 2013